Effect of the vaginal microbiome on the pregnancy rate in women receiving assisted reproductive treatment
Any disruption in the balance of the human microbiome can severely alter its function, causing infections or other diseases. The vaginal microbiome plays an important role in maintaining women’s overall health.
Crosstalk between Vaginal Microbiome and Female Health: A review
Microbiota plays a fundamental role in the overall development and defences of human beings. The majority of indigenous microbiota exists in a mutually beneficial relationship with their hosts, while few of these are op portunistic pathogens that can lead to life-threatening diseases and chronic infections.
Vaginal microbiome: normalcy vs dysbiosis
It has been long understood that the vaginal microflora is crucial in maintaining a normal physiological environment for the host and its involvement is deemed indispensable for reproductive success.
Microbiota in health and diseases
The role of microbiota in health and diseases is being highlighted by numerous studies since its discovery. Depending on the localized regions, microbiota can be classified into gut, oral, respiratory, and skin microbiota.
Prueba farmacogenómica para pacientes con trastorno del espectro autista: ¿cuáles son las ventajas?
Los trastornos del espectro autista (TEA) son sumamente comunes. Para darnos una idea del impacto del autismo en la sociedad, se estima que uno de cada 68 niños estadounidenses presenta algún tipo de trastorno del espectro autista.
Improved Antidepressant Remission in Major Depression via a Pharmacokinetic Pathway Polygene Pharmacogenetic Report
The World Health Organization predicts that major depressive disorder (MDD) will become a leading cause of disability globally by 2030.1) Reducing the burden of this ease from MDD is a public health priority, yet it appears the per capita level of disability from MDD globally is increasing.2) Antidepressants have assisted treatment of more severe MDD, with demonstrated superiority over placebo.3) Unfortunately, 30-50% of patients do not respond (at least a halving of the depression rating scale score),4) to their first antidepressant trial.5-10) Remission (return of the rating scale to normative levels; e.g., 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale [HDRS] ≤7) is clinically a more translatable efficacy measure as those who respond but fail to remit tend to relapse.4,11) Remission not response is the pathway to recovery from MDD.
The effect of pharmacogenomic testing on response and remission rates in the acute treatment of major depressive disorder: A meta-analysis
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a highly prevalent and disabling mental illness affecting more than 350 million people globally as theleading cause of disability worldwide (WHO, 2017).
Efficacy of prospective pharmacogenetic testing in the treatment of major depressive disorder: results of a randomized, double-blind clinical trial
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a leading cause of disability worldwide [1]. Actions to reduce the impact of depression on patients, families and healthcare systems are thus a public health priority.
Impact of pharmacogenomics on clinical outcomes in major depressive disorder in the GUIDED trial: A large, patient- and rater-blinded, randomized, controlled study
Current prescribing practices for major depressive disorder (MDD) produce limited treatment success. Although pharmacogenomics may improve outcomes by identifying genetically inappropriate medications, studies to date were limited in scope.
Combinatorial Pharmacogenomic Testing Improves Outcomesfor Older Adults WithDepression
Geriatric depression, which affects approximately 5% of older adults (age ≥65 years) in the United States,1,2 places substantial burdens on function, quality of life, and healthcare resources. In 2017, 2.2% of U.S. men and 3.5% of women age 65 years or older had experienced a major depressive episode in the past year, according to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.3 Although major depressive disorder (MDD) episodes are less prevalent in older adults than in younger age groups,1 up to 15% of community-dwelling people in this age category experience clinically significant depressive symptoms, with higher rates of MDD and depressive symptomatology among those in medical settings.1 Depression among older adults is linked with longer length of illness, more frequent MDD recurrences, and a greater risk of comorbidities.4,5 In this population, depression is the psychiatric illness most closely associated with suicide,6 the rate of which climbed to a high of 17.2 per 100,000 individuals in 2018.7 A broad range of clinical and social factors adds complexity to its presentation and medical management. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment of geriatric depression warrant special focus.